Forest School is Back... This time with Music!


Our music teacher, David Haiman, and our Forest and Shore School Coordinator, Bill Fulbrecht, have teamed up to provide music and support for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First-Grade classes to venture outdoors on Wednesdays. Last Wednesday, October 21, marked our first foray beyond the school yard to begin exploring some of the wonderful parks and gardens that are within walking distance from BNS. Doug's kindergarten class hiked over to Coffey Park in Red Hook for a morning of adventure and music. It may not be the shore at Marine Park Salt Marsh, but there is still plenty to see and experience as kids discovered worms and millipedes in the leaf litter and found a climber-friendly tree. 

On Wednesday, October 28, Jacqueline's Pre-K class visited The Human Compass Community Garden at Sackett and Columbia Streets. The following photos show some of the discoveries we made.  Many thanks to the Human Compass gardeners for their generous support! 

We have missed being outdoors exploring nature and we are hoping to expand this program to include more destinations and more days. We'll keep everyone informed of our progress!

Exploring the leaf litter in Coffey Park

Mushrooms amid the clover

Drawing in nature is relaxing!

Pre-K suits up for a day in the rain at the Human Compass Community Garden

What's this? A curious discovery hidden in the leaves.

We found a great place to roast marshmallows!

Another discovery in the leaves...

...we took a close look inside

What are these strange shapes? Wait! There's something inside...

...someone is busy!

Be careful! Lots of action in here, but no one seemed to mind our taking a look.

We found a friendly pill bug, too!

Before we left, we all sang, "I've got peace like a river in my soul..."


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