Rangers Introduce Kindergarten to the Salt Marsh

Thursday, November 8, found Valerie and Marisol and Doug's classes at Marine Park Salt Marsh for an introductory tour by the Park Rangers. We broke into two groups for bird and wildlife watching at the Nature Center followed by a scavenger hunt along the shore at the marsh. Beautiful weather made it easy to spot the different birds that make the salt marsh their home and a low tide allowed for a variety of discoveries along the sandy shore. On the trail to the shore, the Rangers pointed out the different plants and animal habitats and had the children sample edibles and fragrances. Many thanks to the Park Rangers who went out of their way to create a tailor made experience just for us!

Ranger Mike had kids identify birds by their shape.

Binoculars help bring the birds closer to view.

The path to the shore is lined with a variety of native and non-native plants.

Lots of plants were filled with ripe berries.

Some berries can be used for dying or painting.

"What kind of animal does this belong to?"

"It looks like it broke off something!"

Examining the treasure pile.

A collection of curious objects.

A well deserved rest!


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