Winter Comes to Marine Park Salt Marsh

Gray skies greeted us on December 13 at the Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Center. The Park Rangers met Mary Ann, Kori and Jen's classes for an introductory tour that included bird watching, hiking the trails, a scavenger hunt on the shore, and a walk through the Nature Center exhibits. We will be returning to explore on our own in late January and will begin regular visits in March.

Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Center

Ranger Mike led Mary Ann's class on the path to the bird sanctuary.

The trees along the path were filled with nests.

Children noticed the nests were made from lots of different materials.

The view of the shore from the bird sanctuary.

Walking through leaves makes a wonderful sound!

Setting up for collecting on the shore.

What mysteries does the water hold?

A home for tiny creatures!

Discoveries abound.

Barnacles seem to be everywhere.

Inside the Nature Center... Look up!



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