A Garden for Lefferts House

On our last visit to Lefferts House, Rafe showed the children how to plant seedlings and everyone had a chance to plant one of the native plants for our pollinator garden. A generous donation by the BNS PTA enabled us to plant phlox, creek sedge, beardtongue, wild bergamot, coral bells, and milkweed in a garden plot that borders the path going into the Prospect Park Zoo across from the carousel. We will be stopping by on our trips to Forest School to check on the garden's progress. While small groups of children took turns planting, the rest of the children found lots of ways to keep busy - especially around the hand pump in the rain barrel to the side of the house! Hurray for mud! As a final activity, Rafe showed how to make newspaper pots for planting radish seeds and each child got to bring one back to school. Be sure to stop by Lefferts House this summer to watch our garden grow! Hopefully, the bees, butterflies, and other pollinators will be hard at work by then.


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