Plein Air Painting at Forest School

With the warmer weather comes the opportunity to bring art outdoors. There is something very special about breaking out the paints, paper, and brushes in the forest and getting down to some creative work. The sunshine and greenery inspired our young artists to produce vivid compositions and bold designs. The flowering plants by the pond provided a display of spectacular color that can be seen reflected in the children's paintings.

While the artists worked, other children explored the dynamics of hydro power using the hand pump, buckets, trowels, and the water fountain. Water, mud, rocks, and sand were shaped into channels and basins, culminating in a kid-made lake of sizable proportions. Water was carted by hand across a distance of approximately 50 yards to the sand pit where it was used to make a variety of concoctions from mud pies to rock soup. During excavations, a hapless worm was uncovered and a temporary home was crafted for it in a china tea cup. A diagram of the worm's home was made before turning it loose back into the leaf litter. Finally, some fallen branches were utilized in a show of sheer strength!


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