Spring Rain and Tree Huggers

It was a bittersweet day for Jennifer's Pre-K class as May 28th marked their last trip to the forest. Fortunately, the rain helped to make it an especially magical day by giving everything a shimmering surface. Even the sound of the forest was special as raindrops drummed against countless leaves overhead. As you will see in the photos below, you can't have too much water or mud when you're a little kid. The children continued their exploration of the pump and were captivated by the way the rain added rivulets and streams to their mini-watershed.

Normally a busy place during the warmer months, the park had relatively few visitors - seems even a gentle rain will keep most folks indoors. Too bad, because rainfall has become one of our favorite things. This summer, break out the rain gear and see for yourself how much fun you can have outdoors on a rainy day. 

Before leaving the forest, we said a quiet goodbye to the beech tree that has served as a focal point throughout the year. A hug seemed appropriate.


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