The Shore School Song: The Water Flows!
The rainy April days have been a good time to think about our watery planet. At the shore we can see how the rain pools and flows down the sand to meet the water in the estuary. This feels like the end of a long journey from clouds to land and back to the sea, but the water doesn't ever stay in one place - it is constantly moving in waves and currents and, somehow, it makes its way back up into the clouds. Our Shore School song takes its melody from the Forest School song, My Roots Grow Down, but instead of naming things in the forest, children suggest places where one can find water, be it rivers, lakes, streams, or even the kitchen sink. In this version, we follow the water from clouds to streams over land and back to the sea, and we ask the question, "How does the water get from the sea back up into the clouds?"
Here is the link to the song:
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